Today, one of my friend in facebook posted that he is hurt because of stomach ulcer and I want to help him by this post.
In promoting home and community based care, health care professional will teach the community how to do self care. The knowledge of the people or community about gastritis is evaluated and an individualized teaching plan is developed that includes information about stress management, diet and medication. Dietary instructions take into account the patients daily caloric needs, food preferences and pattern of eating. Foods ans other substances to be avoided example spicy, irritating or highly seasoned foods; caffeine; nicotine; alcohol are reviewed. Consultation with a nutritionist may be indicated.
Providing information about prescribed antibiotics , bismuth salts , medications to decrease gastric secretion that might cause stomach ulcer, and medications to protect mucosal cells from gastric secretions can help the patient recover and prevent recurrence. People with pernicious anemia need information about long term vitamin b12 injections; a family member may be instructed in the administration of these injections or arrangements can be made for the patient to receive the injections from a health care provider.
In promoting home and community based care, health care professional will teach the community how to do self care. The knowledge of the people or community about gastritis is evaluated and an individualized teaching plan is developed that includes information about stress management, diet and medication. Dietary instructions take into account the patients daily caloric needs, food preferences and pattern of eating. Foods ans other substances to be avoided example spicy, irritating or highly seasoned foods; caffeine; nicotine; alcohol are reviewed. Consultation with a nutritionist may be indicated.
Providing information about prescribed antibiotics , bismuth salts , medications to decrease gastric secretion that might cause stomach ulcer, and medications to protect mucosal cells from gastric secretions can help the patient recover and prevent recurrence. People with pernicious anemia need information about long term vitamin b12 injections; a family member may be instructed in the administration of these injections or arrangements can be made for the patient to receive the injections from a health care provider.