Malabsorption is the primary problem with regards to the cancer patients, leading to cause ulcer. I handled a patient before with ongoing Chemotherapy, the doctors always emphasis about the current condition of the eating condition of the patient whether the patient able to eat enough at the right eating time. As the book says, "many cancer patients are unable to absorb nutrients from the gastrointestinal system as a result of tumor activity and cancer treatment". They may impair enzyme production or create fistulas. They secrete hormones and enzymes ( cause of ulcer ), such as gastrin, which leads to increased gastrointestinal irritation, peptic ulcer disease, and decreased fat digestion. They also interfere with protein digestion. That is why health professionals always assess the gastrointestinal status of the patient in order to prevent complication such as ulcer that might be a biggest problem with regards in maintaining a good nutritional status because nutrients and minerals helps in recovering from Chemo therapy.
Chemotherapy and radiation can irritate and damage mucosal cells of the bowel, inhibiting absorption. As a result, the patient becomes weak and another problem arises aside from the main health problem which is cancer. Radiation therapy can cause sclerosis of the blood vessels in the vowel and fibrotic changes in gastrointestinal tissue that causes ulcer. Surgical intervention may change peristaltic patterns, later gastrointestinal secretions, and reduce the absorptive surfaces of the gastrointestinal mucosa, all leading to malabsorpton.
So, it is right to watch from time to time the eating pattern of the patient. Don`t let the complication come out first. If you observe reducing eating habit that might be the sign that the patient is lacking nutrients and resulting him to become more susceptible to ulcer.
Chemotherapy and radiation can irritate and damage mucosal cells of the bowel, inhibiting absorption. As a result, the patient becomes weak and another problem arises aside from the main health problem which is cancer. Radiation therapy can cause sclerosis of the blood vessels in the vowel and fibrotic changes in gastrointestinal tissue that causes ulcer. Surgical intervention may change peristaltic patterns, later gastrointestinal secretions, and reduce the absorptive surfaces of the gastrointestinal mucosa, all leading to malabsorpton.
So, it is right to watch from time to time the eating pattern of the patient. Don`t let the complication come out first. If you observe reducing eating habit that might be the sign that the patient is lacking nutrients and resulting him to become more susceptible to ulcer.
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